Yuzu Matcha
Yuzu Matcha
Yuzu is a Japanese citrus fruit, commonly seen as a cross between a wild mandarin, grapefruit, and lemon. The powder has a fragrant lime or lemon aroma. We’ve taken our matcha tea to the next level by blending Yuzu and Matcha together.
Health Benefits of Matcha:
- Detoxifies effectively and naturally
- Loaded with antioxidants including EGCg
- Metabolism boosting, burns calories
- Calms the mind, relaxes the body
- Detoxifies effectively and naturally
- Calms the mind, relaxes the body
- Rich in fiber, chlorophyll and vitamins
- Enhances mood
- Aids in concentration
- Contains Vitamin C, selenium, chromium, zinc and magnesium
- Known to prevent diseases
- Lowers cholesterol and blood sugar
Our Matcha and Yuzu each come from Japan and are meticulously blended together in our shop with a splash of cane sugar.
1. Scoop half a tea spoon of Yuzu Matcha into your cup
2. Pour 1oz 165ºF water into cup
3. Whisk, creating a consistent level of foam
4. Add frothed milk or milk alternative for tea lattes or top with hot water. Drop over ice for an iced matcha latte.
Ingredients: Matcha Green Tea Powder, Yuzu Powder, Cane Sugar.
*product in cup for illustration effect only. Product is mixed together and will be a greenish yellow tone.
Origin: Japan/Thailand